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SKU: 656 Category:



TYPE: NT-1800


This NAVTEX Receiver is JMC NT-1800 and Active Antenna ANT-2000. We can supply to world wide and we can give service in all Turkey Ports. Keep in touch with us.



IEC 60945–2002 Equipment Category:
・ Receiver Cabinet: Protected
・ Active Antenna Unit: Exposed

Receive Frequencies:
・ First Receiver: 518 kHz
・ Second Receiver: 490 kHz and 4209.5 kHz, front panel–selectable or by
*1proprietary command sentence via RS–422 port

Type of Receiver:
・ First Receiver: 518 kHz straight amplifier
・ Second Receiver:
– 490 kHz: 490 kHz straight amplifier
– 4209.5 kHz: Down–conversion to 490 kHz

Antenna Input: Coaxial: 50 Ω (nominal), matched with ANT–2000M
active antenna

Input Protection: 30 VRMS for 15 minutes over 100 kHz–28 MHz range

Active Antennas:
・Standard: Preamplified 1.2m glass–fiber whip (ANT–2000M) for
reception of 518 kHz, 490 kHz and 4209.5 kHz, with
1–meter RG–58/U coaxial cable attached, terminated
in BNC and PL–259 plugs for cable extension.

Message Display: 5.7” (diagonal) color TFT, QVGA (320X240 pixels)

Receiver Sensitivity: Better than the following value for message reception
with character error rate (CER) of less than 4%:
・ 1 μV e.m.f. to coaxial input

Demodulator: Quadrature detector, crystal–controlled

Mode of Reception: F1B with forward error correction (AnnexⅡ to ITU–R
REC. 476–3, M.540–2 and 625 B–mode)
・ Single Frequency: Automatic reception and display of message
transmitted on 518 kHz or on user–selected second
receiver frequency (490 kHz or 4209.5 kHz)
・ Dual Frequency: Automatic, simultaneous reception of 518 kHz and
user–selected second receiver frequency (490 kHz or
4209.5 kHz), with automatic display of first receiver’s
live messages while storing second receiver messages in
memory when NAVTEX broadcasts occur at both
frequencies simultaneously.

Second Receiver Selection: 490 kHz or 4209.5 kHz selectable via menu system or
*1proprietary command sentence via RS–422 port
*1:See paragraph 7.4.6 for detail.

Source of Time: Derived from CPU clock 24.00 MHz for calculation of
time passage to handle message aging. No real time
clock (RTC) is used.

User Interface Language: English (menus, status, prompts, cautions)

Text Display:
・ NAVTEX Messages: 40 characters per line, 18 lines per screen. A forced
carriage return symbol * divides the last word at
40th character position if the number of character in a
line exceeds 40.
Maximum capacity of characters/line: 4096
* 2 Hex 5F is output to RS–232C or RS–422 port.
・ Statuses & Prompts: 1 line (40 characters maximum) at screen’s upper and
lower edges

Indication of Message Reception and Storage
・ Message Reception: Tag iNEW MESSAGEi is attached to message ID.
・ Storage: Indication “STORED” is turned on at the end of each
satisfactorily received message together with a character error rate (CER= XX%) readout

Message Scrolling:
・ Live Messages: Automatic, except for new SAR messages
・ Stored Messages: Manual, line–by–line or page–by–page scrolling

Message Storage:
・ Capacity: 200 messages (average 500 characters per message) for
each of 518 kHz, 490 kHz and 4209.5 kHz receivers. Up
to an additional 50 messages can be stored (for 518
kHz and 490 kHz or 4209.5 kHz) if stored messages are
Maximum storage of characters: 106,496/frequency
Maximum characters/message: More than 8000
If the equipment receives a message with a character
error rate (CER) of > 4% and ≦ 33%, it will store the message but will receive the same message to be transmitted subsequently. If the subsequent message
has a lower CER, it will automatically replace the
previously stored one. If a message is received with a
CER > 33%, it will not be stored.
・ Duration: 60 hours 20 minutes from successful reception of each
message, or until the storage limit is reached, after
which old messages will be automatically erased from
memory on a first–in–first–out basis except for
user–protected messages that cannot be erased from
memory until their protection tags are removed
manually. Time source is derived from the CPU clock
(24.00 MHz) to compute message aging.
・Storage without Power: Protected messages are stored for at least 10 days after
power is removed continuously.

Message Protection: Up to 50 messages on each receiver screen can be
protected against automatic erasure, and are saved in a
separate area of the non–volatile message memory.
Protection of a user–selected message can be cancelled
to allow automatic erasure after a 60–hour time
Protected messages are indicated with *3 tag
iPROTECTEDi attached to the message ID.
*3Removing the tag requires user confirmation.

Message ID Storage:
・ Capacity: 200 IDs of successfully received messages (with CER
≦33%) on each of 518 kHz, 490 kHz and 4209.5 kHz
・ Duration: 60 hours 20 minutes after receipt or until the storage
limit (200 for each frequency) is reached.

Stored Message Outputs: The following messages can be selectively output via
the RS–422, RS–232C and I/O DATA ports manually
through the menu system or externally with station
and message ID mask settings from an INS terminal:
・ All currently displayed messages or currently
displayed messages of user’s choice
・ All stored messages
・ Stored messages of user’s choice by specifying
frequency, transmitter or message type

External I/O Interfaces:
・ Printer Interface: RS–232C port (MAX3232 transceiver)
・ IBS/INS: RS–422 port (MAX3490 transceiver) with input lines
optically isolated
・ NMEA–0183/IEC 61162–1: 8–pin connector (I/O DATA port)
・ Alarm Activation Output: 2 isolated pairs of relay contacts (ALARM port)
・ Control Commands: IEC 61162–1 formatted sentences. Up to 10 commands
can be stacked for sequential execution.
(22) Message Alarm Specifications:
・ Audible Indication: Beeping from front–facing piezoelectric buzzer
– 1–second intervals: Type D messages
– 3–second intervals: Types, A, B and L messages
・ Visual Indication: Red tag iALARM!i attached to ID
ID and message text displayed in red color for type–D
・ Acknowledgement/Muting: Manually with front panel button or by means of IEC
61162–1 format command ($–ACK command) via
RS–422 input port.
・ Alarm Conditions Output: IEC 61162–1–compliant $CRALR sentences containing
local alarm number and alarm text via RS–422 output port.

Power Requirements: 24 VDC (nominal), approx. 11W. Floating ground. The
unit operates safely over a 11–to–40V range.

Cabinet Size & Weight: 238/196 (W) X 217/196 ( H) X 194 (D) mm
Approx. 2.3 kg with mounting bracket attached

Compass Safe Distances (in Energized Condition):
・ Cabinet with Bracket: 60 cm ( standard), 35 cm (steering)
・ Cabinet only: 45 cm ( standard), 30 cm (steering)

Ambient Temperatures:

–15 to 55゚
C (cabinet, operating)
–40*1 to 70゚
C (cabinet, storage)
–25 to 55゚
C (active antenna, operating)
–40*2 to 70゚
C (active antenna, storage)

Compliance Standards:

IMO Resolution MSC.148(77
IMO Resolution A.694(17)
IEC 61097–6 Ed.2
IEC 60945 Ed.4 (2002)
IEC 61162–1, IEC 61162–2
ITU–R 540–2
ITU–R 625–3
EN 300 065V 1.1.3
EN 301 011V 1.1.1